Our Sports Injury Therapist put your needs first so you feel better as soon as possible.
Graduated with a Diploma in Sport And Remedial Massage through the Western School of Massage accredited by Glasgow Caledonian University. Member of the Scottish Massage Therapists Organisation. As a keen runner i am a member of Cambuslang Harriers and a veteran of many 5K, 10k, half marathons and marathons including London,New York, Berlin, Boston,Tokyo and Chicago marathons.
Our Sports Injury Therapist can assess your needs using in depth consultation skills and testing
• advanced consultation skills and appropriate safety checks
• assessment procedures to accurately identify conditions and injuries
• myofascial, neuromuscular and muscle energy techniques (MET)
• trigger point therapy
• proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)
• stretching
• active, passive and resisted mobilisations
• joint and spinal mobilisation techniques
The many athletes who do choose to undergo cupping therapy will often do so before participating in their sport, as well as after. Most have a goal of addressing specific aches and pains within their body, as they want to heal these areas as much as they possibly can before participating in their chosen sport.
Cupping can even be used to help decrease an athlete’s recovery time after they have undergone strenuous training. The fact that cupping can help stimulate the chemical breakdown of any toxins within the body, means that athletes who need their muscles and tissues to heal quickly can expect this to happen when undergoing cupping therapy. Since cupping also helps to reduce any inflammation within the body, athletes can expect an improvement in their blood flow, which in turn is beneficial when it comes to boosting their body’s immune system.
A few specific conditions that cupping can address in athletes include plantar fasciitis, hamstring strains, sore muscles and back pain.
A fully clothed massage is the most common type in the workplace or other public settings. A study conducted at the Touch Research Institute in Miami, Florida, found that work site massage helped reduce anxiety. The study showed an improvement in brain performance and found that 15 minutes of massage was more effective than a 15-minute break to reduce anxiety. Employees receiving massage also had an increase in speed and accuracy in completing math equations. The brain’s ability to function more effectively combined with a decrease in anxiety and increase in feelings of contentment and well-being can result in improved job performance.
Massage at work also can help improve general feelings of contentment and health. A study on work-site massage improved overall feelings of well-being among workers. Employees receiving the massage reported feeling an increase in general well-being, less depression and anxiety symptoms, an increased ability to control their emotions and fewer sleep disturbances. Overall, the study found that employees receiving massage maintained their job satisfaction whereas those not receiving massage had a decrease in job satisfaction.
consultation assessment and treatment
Sports massage
Workplace Wellness
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